About us
Learn more about the foundation’s history, our vision and our organzational and personell structures
How it all began
It all started in September 2012 when we, Larissa and Carolin, arrived in a small village in the south of Ghana, called Gomoa Tarkwa, after our high school graduation as part of a “Flexible Volunteer Service”. We lived and worked 6 months in the orphanage “Home for Hope” and travelled across the country. During this time we got to know the everyday life in the project from all sides and could dive into the country Ghana and into the culture.
For the first time in our life world problems like hunger, poverty and injustice were present in our everyday life and we decided to do something about it, even if only with tiny steps. Therefore we began to collect donations from Germany and to use them in a meaningful way. At the beginning the basic needs of the children, like food and access to medicine and education, could be secured. Motivated by the successes that quickly became apparent, we dared to build a new, urgently needed orphanage, which was to be built about 1.5 kilometres outside the village. This was followed by a phase full of new experiences with Ghanaian banks, Ghanaian builders and the Ghanaian administrative system, which often brought us to our limits. Despite all this, the entire shell of the house was completed in this half year.
Back in Germany it was clear to us that Ghana and the project in Gomoa Tarkwa would not let us go. So further donations were collected and a lot of public relations work was done for the project Home for Hope. Further trips to the project followed and so that the whole thing could stand on secure, sustainable legs, we established our own foundation in 2014 – we were then 21 years old.
The small aid project thus became the officially recognized, non-profit foundation “Home for Hope – a future for orphans”.
Although, or perhaps because, we are only in our mid-20s, we bring a lot of commitment and motivation with us. Having grown up in a generation that is increasingly confronted with questions of injustice in the world, the meaning of development cooperation and globalisation, we have developed a critical view of these issues and now try to tackle them in the best possible way.
“The aim of our project is to provide a home for children in Ghana, where they can grow up sheltered, and to provide them with the education they need for a secure future and independent future.”
Our Vision
- Our goal is to sustainably improve the living conditions of disadvantaged children in Ghana.
- For this we create spaces in which children and young people can freely develop and unfold their abilities.
- This strengthens children and young people so that they can actively shape their living environment and their future.
- The focus is on a good and individual education and training of the children.
- As a result, we want to make a contribution to Ghana’s ability to use its own potential.
For this we work fairly, respectfully and appreciatively in Germany and with our local partners and employees. We are proud to make a meaningful contribution to a fairer world and to achieve it as efficiently and transparently as possible.
Wichtig ist der Umgang mit Spendengeldern. Diese werden ausschließlich persönlich vor Ort gebracht. Durch geringe Verwaltungskosten und komplett ehrenamtliche Mitarbeit aller Stiftungsmitglieder können nahezu 100% der Spenden verwendet werden. Vorstand und Kuratorium entscheiden zusammen über den sinnvollsten Einsatz der Spendengelder. Zudem versucht die Stiftung, durch eine größtmögliche Transparenz alle Vorgänge im Zusammenhang mit Spendengeldern offenzulegen: Für jeden Spender soll es nachvollziehbar sein, was seine Spende vor Ort bewirkt.
Sie haben konkrete Vorstellungen, für was Ihre Spende vor Ort eingesetzt werden soll? Kontaktieren Sie uns! Wir besprechen gerne mit Ihnen, ob Ihre Idee umsetzbar ist.
Stiftung Home for Hope
Kontonummer: 9736190
Bankleitzahl: 76250000
Sparkasse Fürth
IBAN: DE45 7625 0000 0009 7361 90
Falls Sie Ihre Spende steuerlich absetzen wollen, genügt bei Beträgen unter 200 Euro ein Überweisungsbeleg dieser Spende und gegebenenfalls die Steuernummer der Stiftung (218/101/91257) für das Finanzamt. Bei Beträgen über 200 Euro erhalten Sie eine Spendenbescheinigung. Geben Sie hierfür bitte Ihren Namen und Ihre Adresse in der Überweisung mit an.
Our Statute
Als gemeinnützige Stiftung hat die Stiftung Home for Hope eine Satzung, die die Stiftungsarbeit regelt.
Hier finden Sie unsere Satzung zum Download: Zur Satzung
The Foundation
The Home for Hope foundation was founded by us in February 2014. Since then we have been the board of directors of the foundation. In addition to the Board of Directors, the Foundation also has a Board of Trustees, whose purpose is to advise and supervise the Board of Directors in all matters. The Board of Trustees comprises five members, all of whom are closely associated with us and the entire project and whose immense commitment has already contributed a great deal to the development of the project.
In addition, the foundation also receives great support from numerous volunteers.
The Home for Hope foundation can be described as something very special in many aspects. On the one hand, the whole prehistory, from the voluntary service to the project to the final establishment of the “Home for Hope” foundation, is of course an important point in this context. In addition, our activities as a the Board of Directors and our studies complemented each other perfectly. The experience we gained in Ghana also flowed into our everyday learning life.
The foundation is administered pro bono by DT Deutsche Stiftungstreuhand.
In order to get a more detailed picture of the most important employees of the “Home for Hope” Foundation, here is a personal introduction.
Team in germany and ghana
Carolin Hoffmann
Founding Member
After graduating from Künzelsau University with a bachelor’s degree in Social Management, Carolin, who comes from near Aalen, oriented herself to the north: In Osnabrück she recently completed her Master’s in Management in Non-profit Organisations. Her motivation for the project: “To directly change things in our world in a positive way and, as a multiplier, to inspire others to commit themselves to good deeds”.
Larissa Zwingel
Founding Member
Coming from Nuremberg, Larissa moved to Passau in 2013 for her Bachelor’s degree in International Cultural and Business Studies at University of Passau. After graduating successfully, she currently lives in Munich and works as a project manager in the German development cooperation. Her motivation for the project: “The responsibility for and the meaningfulness of the project make me happy every day”.
Hartmut Günther
Markus Müller
Nicole Hertel
Katrin Bachleitner
Vera Granitzer
John Essaah
Project lead on site
Mr. Mensah
Headmaster of school
Further team
especially teachers
John Essaah, born in Gomoa Tarkwa and father of two children, leads the project full time on site. He is a visionary and planner, but he has also been involved in the project in a practical way since 2010. He is like a father to the children, like a brother to the staff, and is highly respected in the region for his political commitment. He has completed several training courses and has already lived and worked in Burkina Faso. His motivation for the project: “The contact to our sponsors and the children”.
John Essaah is accompanied by now 19 other employees on site in Ghana, among them the headmaster of the Home for Hope school, teachers, a secretary, caretakers and a nurse. We are proud that as a project we have been able to create 20 jobs in Ghana!
Write to us.
Home for Hope Foundation
Schwabacher Str. 32
90762 Fürth
Larissa: 0177/3245471
Carolin: 0162/6764103