Pupils of Jagsttalschule support Home for Hope

Pupils of Jagsttalschule support Home for Hope

3.500 € donations within the last 4 years by the Jagsttalschule Westhausen – we can only take our hat off to this incredible commitment to our project and recommend everyone to have a look at the article in the SchwäPo:...
Rotary (February 2019)

Rotary (February 2019)

After a lecture about our foundation in Crailsheim, we were surprised to receive an honorary award for our commitment. We are very grateful and now even more motivated to advance our project as efficiently and sustainably as possible.
Unplugged for Hope (September 2019)

Unplugged for Hope (September 2019)

At the 5th anniversary of our benefit festival Unplugged for Hope at the Sancho in Aalen 2000 Euro were generated for the foundation. From year to year the special event grows and we say a big thank you to all who are involved. As soon as the date for 2019 is set, we...