After 10 years of successful project work, many ups and a few downs, many successfully implemented ideas and just a lot of fun and joy, the time had come: Our first two young people have successfully completed their apprenticeships! You probably already know the...
As a little surprise for the 1st Advent, here is our newsletter in English.. As usual, it is mainly about our 10th Ghana trip in October this year, but also contains some general information about the project year 2021. We hope you enjoy reading it!
NEWS from Ghana – Trip Number 10: As promised, today we have an update on the construction of the ICT Center and the library. We could finally see with our own eyes the progress on the construction site and are so happy to announce that everything is going great...
News from Ghana – Trip number 10: “WE ARE NOT TOO YOUNG TO MAKE IT BIG” is the motto of Samuel’s shirt and a good motto for this post. As you know from many previous posts, we support the 35 children and young people, whom we have known for 9...
Here you find the our newsletters collected in one place. We started producing them after each journey to Ghana since 2017. Enjoy reading! It’s good stuff 🙂 Newsletter 2017 English_final Newsletter_2019_ENG_final...
NEWS from Ghana – journey number 10: Caro and her sister arrived safely in Gomoa Tarkwa. Everyone is doing well and the project is going great. We have a lot to tell you, but will do it step by step the next days. Today we are talking about the Home for Hope...