The Project
Learn more about our project.
The Children and Learning Centre
The Home for Hope children and learning centre is located in the small village of Gomoa Tarkwa in southern Ghana, about two hours from the capital Accra. Although Ghana’s economy is booming and the country is on an up-and-coming roll, there are still many deficits, e.g. there is a lack of state funds in the area of care for the numerous socially disadvantaged children and young people. There are currently very few state orphanages. This is why private institutions such as the Home for Hope try as hard as they can to make up for this shortage.
The centre consists of two components:
There are currently 35 children between the ages of 5 and 17 living in the orphanage. They are cared for by an employee, who has fully assumed her role as a substitute mother, and other carers. The children of the orphanage are also supported by us far beyond their time in the orphanage. Each of these children should be able to fulfil their dream of studying or training. We have already been able to send three “graduates” into further education.
Home for Hope Preparatory School
After a construction period of just under a year, it was opened in 2016 and now offers space for 160 pupils, including the 40 children who live in the orphanage. The school is continuously being expanded and further developed. It should offer the children and young people the best possible education, affordable for all parents. In addition, the school already employs 20 motivated teachers and a rector.
A total of 25 people are employed in the Home for Hope project.
The overall aim of this project is to provide a home for these children, in which they can grow up sheltered, and to provide them with the education they need for a secure future on their own.

Kinder- und Bildungszentrum
“The aim of our project is to provide a home for orphans in Ghana, where they can grow up sheltered, and to provide them with the education they need for a secure future and independent future.”
Development since 2012
Planned & Accomplished
Acces to water an electricity done!
In the year 2014 the access of the new orphanage to water and electricity is to be secured permanently. Currently a water tank supplies the children with 4000 litres of water, which is problematic in the long run. This water has to be fetched again and again from the village. Therefore, either the construction of a well, which will guarantee the water supply with groundwater, or the connection to the public water network is planned.
The electricity supply is to be guaranteed either by connecting the orphanage to the public electricity grid or by installing solar cells. Thus the orphanage would be independent of the power grid and power failures.
A well, which brings groundwater to the surface, was already installed in 2014 and still works perfectly today. A water treatment machine, which was donated to us by a German engineer, can even filter this water to such an extent that it can be sold as drinking water; thus a first small source of income can be generated for the orphanage. The orphanage was also connected to the public power grid in May 2016.
Complete completion of the main building: completed!
Currently only the right wing of the orphanage is habitable. There are 4 bedrooms, divided into boys’ and girls’ rooms. The left wing, which is not yet habitable, contains a large lounge, 2 further bedrooms for employees and the kitchen. To finish this part, the floors have to be laid, walls plastered, windows and doors installed and the interior furnishings provided.
At the beginning of January 2014 the children were able to move into their new home.
Construction of a school: done!
Currently the orphans attend one of 5 schools in the village. However, this is relatively far away from the new orphanage, the learning conditions there are poor and the school fees too high. Therefore, a new school is to be built on the extensive property belonging to the new orphanage. It should employ qualified, trained Ghanaian teachers, there should be a positive learning atmosphere in which the children get the education they deserve. In order not to isolate the orphans, the school should also be open for children from the village. So not only the orphans themselves benefit from this institution, but also the whole village of Gomoa Tarkwa.
Since September 2016, the Home for Hope Preparatory School has been open to everyone: the children living in the orphanage as well as children from the surrounding villages. Since the demand is very high, the school is continuously expanded.
Expansion of self-sufficiency, expansion of the project: in progress
Although food is very cheap in Ghana, it is a big financial effort to buy food for 40 children. Therefore the self-sufficiency of the orphanage with food is to be promoted. The property on which the new orphanage is located offers enormous space for the cultivation of useful plants, e.g. corn, a staple food in Ghana. The cultivation of fruit and vegetables will also be promoted, e.g. by planting orange trees, in the same way, the own livestock farming is to be started by setting up chicken stables and owning own goats. The orphanage would thus be largely independent of price increases and external donors; our principle of “helping people to help themselves” would thus be realised. Furthermore a lot of money would be saved and at the same time own money would be earned by the sale of the self-made products on the local market.
In addition, there are always new ideas for the project: the school should be continuously improved and in the future the centre should also provide space for trainees. Computer rooms and a library are the next steps. Tbc!
Our journeys to ghana
In addition to the administrative work in Germany, the operative on-site work in the project in Ghana is part of the core business. During these annual project trips most of the donations are spent and the contact to the employees and other actors is maintained.
Write to us.
Home for Hope Foundation
Schwabacher Str. 32
90762 Fürth
Larissa: 0177/3245471
Carolin: 0162/6764103